How it Began
My Path to Shamanic Healing began when I was in my teens. I began seeing non-physical people who had passed from this earth plane. It was a confusing time for me, and I did not know how to handle this happening. I have spent 28 years in the Healing Arts doing Massage Therapy, Hot Stone Therapy, and Energy Healing. Four years ago, I was very drawn to Core Shamanism and through the Foundation of Shamanic Healing, I took classes to learn how to be a Shamanic Practitioner. The training was life-changing for me, and I realized this was a profound and powerful way to assist people in their spiritual growth and difficulties with life.
Shamanism is a practice dating back thousands of years through many cultures. Shamans have the ability to heal the sick, to communicate with the otherworld, and often to escort the soul of the dead to that otherworld. They were and are incredibly powerful and highly respected members of indigenous tribes. Today shamanism is still practiced all over the world. What I love about the ‘Foundation of Shamanic Healing’ is, that they have stayed true to the core practices of shamanism that is practiced in these indigenous cultures.
- Have you felt that you were just “out of sorts” or feel you are missing something that is important to your growth?
- Do you feel you are unable to heal from a traumatic event or relationship?
- Is there a person in your life who has passed on and you would like to see if they need help making it to their next non-physical destination?
- Or maybe you would just like some answers to some questions about your life and your path.
What to Expect
During a healing session, I will journey with my non-physical shamanic teachers. As a Shamanic Practitioner, there are several core shamanic healing methods that I have been trained to assist you with such as…
- Shamanic Divination
- Power Animal Retrieval
- Extraction Healing
- Soul Retrieval
- Psychopomp Healing
Sometimes clients want to request a certain protocol, however, we are taught to follow the recommendations for healing from our non-physical teachers, as they always know what healing method is needed for your soul at that time. Often after a healing, a power animal retrieval is completed. This can assist you with being able to walk in the power of who you truly are. While this work can be subtle, it can also be enormously powerful. I have had the privilege of working with many clients whose healing session(s) have helped them be able to go forward much more effectively in life.
Read more about Shamanic Healing at Shamanism.org.
Timing is everything with this work. You will know when it is time to get assistance with your spiritual healing. It would be my honor and privilege to assist you when you are ready.
Much Love, Julene
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